Estantes Virtuales
La segregación escolar en la Argentina Gasparini, Leonardo C. La Plata (2011)
The Rise and Fall of Income Inequality in Latin America Gasparini, Leonardo C. La Plata (2011)
Corporate Leverage, the Cost of Capital, and the Financial Crisis in Latin America Bebczuk, Ricardo Néstor La Plata (2011)
Skills, Exports, and the Wages of Seven Million Latin American Workers Brambilla, Irene [S.l.] (2011)
Argentine Trade Policies in the XX Century Brambilla, Irene [S.l.] (2010)
Supply Chains in Export Agriculture, Competition, and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa Porto, Guido Gustavo London (2011)
Exports, Export Destinations, and Skills Brambilla, Irene [S.l.] (2011)